Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Love Quotes 1

You love coz you weep.You weep coz you hurt. You hurt coz you fail, You fail coz you try, You try coz you need, You need coz you want, You want coz you feel, You feel coz you live, You live coz you love.

Love is not how you forget but how you forgive, Not how you listen but how you understand, Not what you see but what you feel & not how you let go but how you hold on.

Love is like quicksand the deeper you fall in the harder it is to get out.

It hurts to love some1 who dosn't give you the time of day, but it hurts more when you realise that some1 you don't give the time of day loved you and gave it up coz you loved another.

Looks may capture the eyes but it's the personality that captures the heart love can sometimes be magic-but magic can sometimes be an ILLUSION.

*In Reality*...The player isn't actually playing the other person..he's playing himself...

You can close your eyes to thing you don't want to see.But you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel.

People fall in love not knowing you nor how..It's so special a feeling that it dosen't require much answers .You juat love no matter ow stupid you become.

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